<img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/647x352q70/r/922/Ml9DPi.png">
You are a peasant in 109 BCE in the city of yan'an and you need to steal gold do you [[steal it with your freind]] or do you [[do it by yourself]c<img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/966x242q90/r/922/ExgdBa.png">
You are in the vault posing as banker but your freind gets caught, do you [[blame it on your freind]] or do you [[take the blame]]You get the gold and your rolling it in the palace, but a gaurd finds you and your as good as dead <img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/422x504q90/r/923/jsUlsF.png">
You blame it on your friend, now that your out of that mess do you [[go to the village of xi'an]] You get arrested and the next day is your exacution date and the last thing you see is your friends shame-filled face <img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/768x440q70/r/924/rsZpmX.png">
On the way to the village you meet some soldiers that are hungry do you [[run]] or do you [[give them your food]]<img src="https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/938x462q90/r/923/DdMKOV.png">
You give them your food and let you go, now do you [[keep going to the villlage to sell your gold]] or do you [[rest]]You whip your horses as hard as hard as you can but they cach up and beat you in the mud, ur ded now >:)You get a long rest but when you wake up you see the light and you remember you got eated alive bye wolves *me* HOW DID I NOT WAKE UP!!!!You head into the village and get your gold sold, now you make a hut and call it home you get some food like turtle, eggs, fish and rice and make a nice warm meal